Nottingham’s most exciting underground event brand TRIPPIN ventures into new territory, on a mission, to blood the best new talent in house music. Their debut release sees TRIPPIN kick things off in style with rising star Tim Taylor.
Tim Taylor is the latest product to come off the conveyor belt of talent from the Hot Creations camp, becoming synonymous for his dark raw gritty basement beats. This release sees Tim continue on in the same style.
Twogether is a trademark Tim Taylor dark raw basement number. The track consists of sinister synth stabs and chunky drums inspired by 80’s and 90’s breakdance music throughout. All of this is capped off with a raw and powerful vocal, to bring some depth and soul to this dark club cut.
The Revolution sees Tim switch up the pace, bringing some fresh funk to the table. The track oozes class from the get-go with subtle acid elements laced throughout and a gorgeously deep bassline, building the energy as the track progresses. Combine the powerful spoken word from Gil Scott Heron, crowd noise and melodic percussion chord progression and the result is a chunky funky number perfect to get dancefloors movin’ n’ groovin’.
This release is rounded off with a stellar remix of ‘Twogether’ from Marcellus. He went for a lighter groovier take on the original, showcasing the depth and soul of the vocal. TRIPPIN records coming in hot with a true statement of intent with their debut release.
Tim Taylor Twogether EP is out now on TRIPPIN Records here.
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