Fire in his production belly, John O’Callaghan has already (per Mixmag) “explored his dark side” this year with ‘Next Stop Muddy Waters’ and fortified club floors further with the magnificent ‘Choice Of The Angels’. Into May – and again exhibiting his renowned flexibility to produce across trance’s broader span – the Irishman’s charting a vocal course.
For ‘Our Destiny’, John’s connected with Danish singer/songwriter Stine Grove to conceive a nothing-less-than-spellbinding new single.
While Stine’s no stranger to the trance world, this is the first time she and John have teamed up. Long story short, we think the girl from Copenhagen’s delivered a new career high. Ripe with illustrative song writing, her voice animates every word, lending each line more significance than the last. Touching, enrapturing and stirring, it adds yet another new dimension to John’s productions.
Naturally ‘Our Destiny’ carries all the hallmark studio punch and floor clout you’ve come to expect from JOC. Reflecting the refined nature of its vocal though, his underlying intricacies serve the track equally. Long, drawn filmic strings, unhurried piano and more measured bass movements underscore its midsection, before uniting with its drums & mainline to bring the post-break altitude
A track that exists as much for subtlety as strength, you can experience John & Stine’s ‘Our Destiny’ here from today:
01: John O'Callaghan & Stine Grove – Our Destiny (Original Mix)
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