Anthropos Festival Reveals Programme of Lectures, Workshops and Music
Built on core values of Growth, Exploration, Balance, Connection and Celebration, Anthropos believe in building a sustainable future which is inclusive and diverse and is a game changing model for the future of music festivals. As such it offers a wealth of cultured and thoughtful ways to enjoy yourself and think about the world in which we live from a different perspective. It explores the unique nature of our experience – our drive to create beauty through the arts and music, combined with our innate ability to gain wisdom through introspection. Anthropos believes in building a green, sustainable and inclusive future for all and is a 100% vegan festival. For every festival ticket sold they plant a tree in your name and are part of the Energy Revolution so encourage people to bring refillable water bottles, only natural productions in your own wash bags and pay a £5 deposit toward waste disposal at the gate which will be reimbursed at the end of the festival.
Eating at Anthropos with food vendors offering a variety of vegan options. You can also prepare your own food of any type in a communal kitchen, and all cutlery and crockery is metal so do bring your own metal or wooden tools (or you can collect some from a deposit area for the duration of the event) in order to reduce waste.There are endless attractions and activities at Anthropos that include a large art gallery accompanied by live painting and visuals artists, art creation spaces and amazing décor and land art, many musical styles from psychedelic rock, world to acoustic, psytrance and much more.
You can also expand your mind with lectures by experts in their field on topics like reconnecting to nature, music archaeology, nature and psychedelics, embodying the mysteries in evolution, consciousness and the one and plenty more fascinating topics. The healing area offers many experienced teachers and practitioners of diverse fields with lectures, guided meditations and workshops including spinning, body tuning, qi gong, vinyasa yoga, womb awakening, guided meditation, healing practices an so much more, all of which encourage human interaction and involvement.What stands Anthropos is its environmental credentials, inclusiveness and world class programme of educational and informative offerings next to fantastically immersive art and music. Everyone creates the festival together and as a whole become something so much more under the mantra of ‘We all are Anthropos.’