
Renowned Greek musician Roni Iron debuts on Déepalma Records with 'Inside My Head,' featuring a remix from fellow countryman and returning artist T.Markakis. Roni Iron has spent two decades crafting electronic dance music, blending techno, progressive, lounge, and house genres, gaining international acclaim, reflected in his...

Five of Europe’s leading nightlife specialists team up to present NightSchool: An EU wide training programme designed to support night culture producers early in their career. This transnational education programme will focus on environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The project sets to pair nightlife visionaries spanning...

[embed][/embed] “Fusing dreamy, occasionally bittersweet, and nostalgic pop with lush vocal harmonies, ambient synths, guitars, and saxophone, Set Feux, led by Diana Planche, delivers a distinctive and emotive sound that is poised to create ripples with their upcoming release”- Wonderland Magazine Set Feux (a.k.a. Toronto based musician,...