
"Les Folies Digitales" presents "LFD Extended Vol.2" an engaging dive into the world of House music for true dance floor enthusiasts. With the opening track "Dance Your Troubles Away," Frank Fonema, Renote, and Ciskoted convey a compelling energy through an extended mix that encourages enjoyment. Following...

Immerse yourself in the rhythmic mastery of the esteemed Argentinian maestro, Manuel Sahagun, as he graces Departure Lounge with his unparalleled musical finesse for their highly anticipated fifth release. "Discover" invites listeners on a captivating sonic journey, featuring four meticulously crafted evening rollers that showcase Sahagun's...

Closing 2023 with a breathtaking selection of melodic gems, Purified Fragments returns for its seventeenth instalment. Featuring three pristine productions, this compilation showcases music by Italian producer birø, Polish artist Rafa’EL and Argentine duo Cimmerian & Luciano F. [embed][/embed] Opening with Løst It All, birø conjures a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere, combining intricate instrumentation with mesmerising vocals....