
Miami natives Black V Neck are known for crafting crowd-favorite house tracks fitted for the club, and they are flexing their dancefloor persuasions once again as they return to Insomniac Records with their sophomore two-tracker ‘Bring The Noise / Stutter.’  Producing under their lighthearted pseudonym since 2017, Ian Beato and Julian...

In a brilliant resurgence to the dance music scene, the enigmatic anonymous producer Lost Prince unveils his latest sonic treasure “Honest (ft. Undrwvter)” - a daring demonstration of his ever-evolving artistry. The melodic gem follows on the heels of his serendipitous September rework of Illenium’s “Starfall”, marking his...

After a series of unexpected hurdles that tested their tenacity, the dynamic duo Epikker made up of Suniel Fox and Henry Strange, makes a grand return with two deeply moving tracks, "VibeKing" and "VibeQueen (Rising High)." The two sonic offerings symbolize a phoenix-like rise from adversity, particularly following a regrettable turn...

Dance trailblazer, Riot Ten, makes a thunderous return to the spotlight, teaming up with Ecraze for his latest bass behemoth, "Squad Anthem." The track rumbles with ground-shaking percussion, is laced with gritty, grime-infused synths, and is crowned by a hard-hitting vocal performance from BLUPILL. Following the success of his SHEEESH...

Tapping into the creative genius of remix virtuoso, Ryan Riback, 15grams unveils a second grandiose remix of “Love Myself”. Ryan Riback's remix emerges on the heels of Tazi's electrifying dance floor-ready rendition. The initial composition serves as an invitation into 15grams' unique sonic landscape, marked by a vivacious...

“Respawned” represents Task Horizon's careful selection of a diverse group of outstanding artists from the Drum & Bass spectrum to reinterpret their discography. This project melds Task Horizon's original creations with the distinctive artistic expressions of each chosen artist, breathing new life into every track...