
Blue Capricorn, the visionary solo project of Dallas-based Latinx multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Rodrigo Caraballo-Marin, unveils a mesmerizing new single, “FANTÔME, JE NE RESSENTIRAI RIEN,” featuring the soulful Jacks Haupt. Known for his ambient, mood-driven soundscapes, Blue Capricorn continues to push the boundaries of dream pop,...

Experimental artist Kevin Gleeson, the visionary behind Sour Blood, has just unveiled his debut album, Suas. Known for his inventive soundscapes, Gleeson, a Tipperary-born Irish artist, continues to push boundaries with this self-released project. Following the success of his singles "Suas" and "The Devil," both...

Presenting, Clay, an 11-song alternative folk album that came to be during the completion of Lithuanian-Canadian musician Aistis's next release, Caviar For Seagulls. This anthology presents a character enmeshed in love complications by fusing fact and fiction in a highly intimate analysis of the cyclical...