
Hailing from Vancouver, the dynamic duo Young Bombs once again illuminate the dance music scene with their latest single, “Strangers”, enriched with the captivating vocals of Linney. Penmanship for "Strangers" comes courtesy of the enchanting Linney, known for collaborations with Gareth Emery and Tritonal, as well as the proficient Zach Martino, who...

After carving a notable niche in the world of bass, zoska strikes again, landing on Subcarbon Records with an irresistible pulse of energy in her new EP, "zest". The 4-track masterpiece seamlessly fuses bass-drenched beats with tantalizing jazz nuances, presenting an electronic music saga that's both distinctive and unparalleled....

Emerging from the vibrant heart of Los Angeles, OddKidOut steps into the limelight with his electrifying new single, "NOT THE ONE", featuring the mesmerizing Kelly Paige. Known for his distinctive sound design, the DJ, producer, and musical dynamo traverses myriad bass terrains, enriched by the soulful undertones of...