
Continuing her momentum in the electronic music scene, the reigning queen of bass Jessica Audiffred unveils a spellbinding remix of Illenium's "From The Ashes." With a reputation for mesmerizing audiences through her electrifying soundscapes, this latest offering is no exception, spotlighting Jessica's unmistakable flair in the bass and...

Danish export Snavs teamed up with up-and-comer John Alto, also hailing from Denmark, for their new track "Headlights," a dark progressive house gem with a strong vocal element. The new single immediately captivates with suspenseful, emotive female vocals cocooned in its cinematic melodies, from which a euphonious and driving bassline...

With their recent single Spread Love (Right Here Right Now) lighting up the airwaves since its release last month, ManyFew return with one of their biggest offerings to-date. Joining forces with Swedish music royalty Janne Schaffer, renowned for his guitar contributions on many of ABBA’s most celebrated records, ManyFew deliver Back...