
For her latest release, musical muse Nora En Pure dips into funkier waters with the undeniably catchy, ‘Convincing’ – out now on Enormous Tunes. Released in perfect sync with the zenith of summer clubbing season, 'Convincing' melds Funky and Deep House to create an irresistible feel-good...

"Flight Mode" / "Midnight Air" is the debut, double-A-sided single from Mr Sanka, which will see a release on Beat Club/PMR Records. Airing today, "Flight Mode" is arguably one of zestiest-sounding tracks to be written about a flight to London: seemingly as inspired by Supertramp-meets-Paul Simon...

Ovion, the newest up-and-comer from heavyweight house label Protocol Recordings, is back with his newest release "On My Way", and it is bound to be a fan favorite. With synth-laden melodies and a computerized vocal riff, "On My Way" possesses both energetic and ethereal elements...

Maverick German producer SIS presents his first release on DFTD, ‘The Coming EP’, made up of three deep, tech-driven and cleverly progressive tracks. Each one indulgently long with a rich, winding musical narrative, ‘The Coming EP’ gives as much dynamic colour in three tracks as you...