
One of the Capital’s favourite brands launches a brand new series of events at Egg London, featuring carefully curated back-to-back sets from some of the world’s most celebrated artists.Kicking the series off on Saturday 4th October is one of the most in-form and in-demand DJs...

This October The Qube Project opens in Central London, with QubeOne, a carefully curated, exclusive series of events. The Qube Project offers a unique experience in one of the world’s most vibrant cities. Three individually designed rooms present eclectic selections, a bespoke Martin Audio sound...

Deep disco imprint Chromoza's long awaited 10th release comes from none other than than Slovenian producer KaiMack of Conkrete and Mjuzeek Digital notoriety. For You is a vibrant, future classic blending retro synths with a high gloss groove and mischievous vocal stabs, the perfect antidote to...

'New Direction' is the hotly tipped, brand new single from prodigal Australian super-producer and multifaceted instrumentalist, Hatch. Available to stream now in its entirety, and complete with forthcoming remixes from fellow natives GRMM and Ryan Hemsworth-backed talent, UV Boi, the whole package will be released on...