
Following the release of his acclaimed debut album late last year, rising producer LYOD continues his next release trail with the thrilling new single ‘Ricarda’ with German producer Alexis Troy, out 14th June on OUT FIT. ‘Ricarda’, the second single from LYOD’s upcoming Nightfall EP following last month’s ‘Dread’, stands out with its unforgettable vocal sample that...

Derrick Thompson is founder of Soiree Records International, Detroit’s underground music launchpad. Later establishing the techno label, Xplor Music, Thompson expanded his growing influence in electronic music. Creating an endless repertoire of quality, groud-breaking tracks ranging from house and techno to downtempo and experimental, has...

Sabotage is a dark, cinematic masterpiece that plunges listeners into a world of thumping basslines, haunting atmospheres, and emotional melodies. This powerful track offers an unflinching exploration of mental health, inner demons, and self-reflection. Through its introspective lyrics and chilling melodies, it invites audiences to...