Chaz Cardigan delivers playful ‘Feels Like I Know You’
Chaz Cardigan is another power pop songwriter in the making. With a keen interest in music making and creating sounds from the tender age of 10, Chaz has gone from producing and mixing with a tape recorder to now a fully all encompassing producer and writer with a love for pop and makes music that’s a cut above the rest. His latest single ‘Feels Like I Know You’ is more of that enriching, signature style that Chaz has created.
With piano lines and melodic hooks and riffs that catch the ear immediately, ‘Feels Like I Know You’ spans all of Chaz’s multiple influences from Kanye West to Bjork, he has somehow found a fine balance and space in between. It’s fun, upbeat pop which will get those crowds around the world singing along in their thousands. There’s so many layers to his imaginative pop style, which will surely only be leading Chaz Cardigan one way – to the top.