In a touch under 25 releases and scarcely more than a year, the sound of Damaged Records has become next to synonymous with peak-time and the all-new calling card for Haaard!
From their running start in Feb last year, it became Beatport’s #1 trance label debut for 2014 and is now one of BP’s 15 bestselling labels within the genre. Further, Damaged’s put radio playlists on notice, floors on lockdown and hatched – in the blink of an eye – a radio show and a string of sold-out tour nights.
The MVP at its A&R controls, the agent provocateur Damaging the radio airwaves and the firebrand calling the audio shots at the fast-emerging marque’s club nights is Jordan Suckley.
This month the young Liverpudlian hammers the next piece of his jigsaw into place, injecting Damaged sonic psyche into an explosive, propulsive double CD mix-compilation. Joining Jordan in this quest (and equal to the task) is Mark Sherry – a man every bit as well versed in putting the capital ‘F’ in ‘Fierce’!
Locking & loading 38 tracks from trance’s bloc, each has one thing in common: tough comes hardcoded! ‘Damaged Records Volume One’ features much from the label’s upcoming S/S collection, including an abundance of floor-whackers from Jordan and Mark’s own studios. There’s also speaker shredding material from from big guns like Markus Schulz & Max Graham and the latest rolling trance freight from Suckley & Sherry faves like Thomas Datt, The Space Brothers and Mario Piu. Nu-skoolers are equally well represented too, with turbine gear from the likes of Allen & Envy, Solis & Sean Truby, Future Disciple, Alex Di Stefano, Lostly and many more besides.
Trance-wise if you’re after wall-to-wall angelic choirs, symphonic breakdowns, elongated drops and sensitive harmonics, best look elsewhere (and run for cover while you’re doing it!). ‘Damaged Records Volume One’ cranks the charging handle and drops the detonator on 160 minutes of pure audio dynamite.
Across the psychotropic trance of Future Disciple’s ‘The Mayans Are Coming Back’, ‘Anno Machina’ from Microsis and Royal Flush’s Humanity & ‘Walter White’, Jordan hits the Goa accelerator early on his mix. With recent singles like ‘Droid’ & ‘Medic’ and upcoming tracks like ‘Elation’ & ‘Who Cares?’ the midsection meanwhile is marked out by a wealth of Jordan’s own club-vaporising creations. Lighting the mix’s afterburners and taking things to hitherto unknown heights, he levels-up with ‘Sahara’ from Tangle, A.R.D.I.’s rework of Daniel Skyver’s ‘No One Else’ and Reverse’s ‘Ultima’.
On the first year of Damaged Records and the release of the label’s first mix-comp, Jordan says: “I’m very happy with how Damaged has developed in the last year and this compilation is a real snapshot of the sound I’m pushing in clubs all over the world!”
Frontend of the second disc, Scotland’s Mark Sherry mixes up music from newcomers & established producers alike. The sonic equivalent of a rhino charge, it’s flush with no-nonsense tech-trance steel from young guns like Alex Di Stefano and Jamie Walker, which dovetail into tracks like ‘The Code’ from trance grandmaster Mario Piu. Further in Markus Schulz and Max Graham lend their gravitas, as Mark daisychains his remixes of ‘Remember This’ and The Evil ID’. More Sherry floor flaming is right around the corner with ‘Let It Come’ – his killer collab with The Space Brothers, ‘Vengeance’ (in two different mix flavours) and his recent Beatport chart scaling re-envisioning of the classic ‘The Pillars Of Creation’.
‘Damaged Records Volume One’ sees Jordan & Mark hide the hazard tape and unscrew the safety rail to thrillingly deliver top-of-the-drop trance that’ll clean take your breath away! It’s on the loose from April 13th. Jordan Suckley & Mark Sherry – Jordan Suckley presents Damaged Records Volume One