Digitalism’s debut EP on Running Back is ace!
The music of Digitalism is usually in equal parts fun and fanciful, earnest and ecstatic. “Reality 2” – their 0 is no exception to the rule. Hailing from Hamburg, the place where Germany’s allegedly first and definitely seminal house club Front was based, their sound might not be a direct descendant of that heritage. At second glance though, it’s not hard to imagine that any of these 5 tracks, if not all of them, would be in heavy rotation, given that club would still be open today. If your underage, any arcade hall would do, too. Take “Trans Global Ltd” for instance. Like an Italo disco steamroller, it’s as play- as it is powerful. “Reality 2” might be the pick of the litter. A neuromantic dance floor gets swiped with a euphoric melancholy that could be the tears of joy that symbolize a bygone era or a better tomorrow. Enough with the poetry. A quintet of tracks that are as athletic, graceful and witty as possible. Or to quote Robert Palmer: simply irresistible.
This is the title track “Reality 2” :