Emma Hewitt – Into My Arms
You know Emma Hewitt… The generational voice behind club & radio hits numbered in the dozens, defining tracks for Tiesto, Armin, 3LAU, Cosmic Gate, Aly & Fila, Gareth Emery, Dash Berlin, Chris Lake, Ilan Bluestone… we could go on (and on).
True to the form that’s regularly seen her recognized as one of the scene’s most creative, Emma is releasing her first solo single in a good few years in a highly evolved manner. This organic release – parts of which are even now still in process, begins today with the Original and nowifi Remix of the achingly beautiful ‘Into My Arms’.
Subtly produced by downtempo master Robert ‘Robot’ Koch (and co-produced by Anthony Hewitt, Emma Hewitt, Tim Henwood), the Original version puts Emma’s ability to touch listeners & audiences with thoughts & song at the foreground of the mix. ‘Into My Arms’ has a time-stands-still / always-remember-where-you-were quality about it, that’ll be a beacon for those who’ve loved or lost… or still lie somewhere in between.
Tonally, nowifi’s remix picks right up where the Original ends, with the German producer keeping Emma’s voice centrestage. Only in its latter stages does he begin to underpin it with coolly swaying floor rhythms, tropically-touched percussion and melodic engagements.
Every bit as beautiful as the song itself, the official video for ‘Into My Arms’ has just premiered on YouTube. You can watch Emma adding another emotional layer to the track here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4XoH-6yPT4].
Starting to build the track into something that may, musically, come to define the summer for many, you can pick up Emma’s Original and nowifi’s remix now, via this link [https://blackhole.lnk.to/INTOMYARMS]
01: Emma Hewitt – Into My Arms (Original Mix)
02: Emma Hewitt – Into My Arms (nowifi Remix)