Kamaya Painters - Endless Wave (Ucast Remix)
Grotesque by name, though more striking and energetic in nature, RAM’s vision of trance could scarcely be more uplifting. Powered by his unswerving studio, DJ and event work, the Dutchman has long since forged his own sound for the genre.
Ever wondered though what the trance classics of yesteryear would sound like, had they been produced in the Grotesque times of today? Well wonder no more! Launching this week, the Grotesque Reworked label has that exact premise in mind – projecting some of trance’s perennially fresh classics through their own, unique sonic prism.
Pick up your copy of the UCast remix of Kamaya Painters here: https://reworked.choons.at/endlesswave
Kicking all that into high gear, UCast’ – whose latest release ‘Portal’ arrived through Grotesque’s Reworked’s parent label – has rebuilt Kamaya Painters’ ‘Endless Wave’ in the club’s self image. In doing so (says DJ Mag), “the man from Minsk” has taken ‘Endless Wave’ on an 8/10 notching “briskly paced, razor-toothed ride to techs-ville”.
Hard on the heels of UCast’s mix, Ralphie B’s ‘Massive’, Phynn’s ‘Lucid’ and ‘Forbidden City’ from Marc Simz will all be receiving comparably ‘Grotesque’ treatments. Respectively, Daniel Skyver & LTN, Amir Hussain and David Gravell are the men currently tasked with realising them.
More news on those will follow shortly… Meantime, UCast’s brilliant remix of Kamaya Painters’ ‘Endless Wave’ hits download stores today.
01: Kamaya Painters ‘Endless Wave’ (UCast Remix)