We Came As Strangers - Eyedom
We Came As Strangers are giving away a free digital download of the beautiful ‘Eyedom’, taken from their album of the same name to be released next month.
‘Eyedom’ is a gentle, mostly instrumental track bar Ellem’s soaring vocal winding around vast soundscapes in a dream-like state, and a lyrical closer. It’s hugely different to current single ‘Still Life’ and perfectly demonstrates We Came As Strangers wide-ranging diversity in both songwriting and performance.
‘Still Life’ is the first single to be taken from We Came As Strangers’ third album ‘Eyedom’. An avant-garde alt-pop taste of what’s coming up in the new record, ‘Still Life’ is a contemplative ode to opportunities missed.
Americana guitar and slightly trippy bass grooves nestle beside gentle piano at a driving Massive Attack pace, settling effortlessly around Ellem’s divine vocal as ‘Still Life’ plays out this absolutely essential ‘trip-pop’ release.