fakeyourdeath share video for debut single ‘truth’
Brighton Electronic Post-Hardcore duo fakeyourdeath are proud to share the official music video for their debut single ‘truth’. An explosive track that examines the complexity of human relationships and expressing yourself without holding back. ‘truth’ is the first offering from the beautifully relentless pair that authentically combine to musically explores the opposition between the raw, chaotic energy and the vulnerability and serenity of anger and blame.
‘truth’ is proving that fakeyourdeath are a band for the future having already featured on Kerrang! Radio’s Fresh Blood, with Alex Baker making the duo his ‘Featured Artist Of The Week’ while mentioning that the single is “the perfect marriage of aggressive chaos and beautiful serenity”.
“truth is an outpouring of hate, anger and blame, stemming from the feeling of being creatively oppressed. It’s not meant to be pretty or catchy or easy to listen to, it’s written to challenge and to make someone feel uncomfortable when all those deepest darkest thoughts come flowing out with little time to breathe. truth is about creative oppression; about feeling trapped and not being allowed to explore how you really feel as a human. It’s not sugar-coated, it’s not written around a theme or someone else’s experience, it’s a raw, real song that opened up Pandora’s box and let out a whole lot of hate.”
Watch the video here: