Just Honest Unveils Soul-Baring Journey of Resilience, Love, and Self-Acceptance

Just Honest Unveils Soul-Baring Journey of Resilience, Love, and Self-Acceptance

Just Honest unveils his raw and unfiltered talent with the release of his debut album, “No Love No Hate”. This poignant collection of Pop/Alternative tracks delves deep into the artist’s tumultuous life journey, painting a vivid picture of resilience, love, and the ultimate pursuit of self-acceptance.

Just Honest, as the name suggests, is a testament to the artist’s unwavering commitment to sharing their unadulterated truth. Abandoned by his parents at a tender age, they vividly recall that cold, hunger-filled summer when they were just 13, left to fend for themselves in the unforgiving streets of their hometown. These early experiences forged the foundation for the songs that would later become their solace, therapy, and source of hope.

The album’s title, “No Love No Hate”, perfectly encapsulates the heart and soul of Just Honest’s journey. This story begins with an exploration of the transformative power of love, as heard in the debut single, “toxic culture”. The artist’s deeply personal encounter with a life-changing accident while cycling through town on a morning filled with heartbreak and despair serves as the catalyst for his journey towards self-love and acceptance.

The album’s lead single and video, “I had no parents”, written during a period of deep sadness and reflection, delves into the artist’s life-long struggle with self-reliance and the absence of parental support. It captures the profound loneliness and yearning for unconditional love that so many can relate to.

The album’s lead single and video mean a lot to me. I wrote ‘I had no parents’ exactly one year ago when I felt really depressed and sad. This is because I realized that ever since I was 13 — I had to work, having no one to rely on. Grinding and grinding, and never stopping can take such a huge toll on you. Sometimes all I want is just go to some house, get some hugs and some unconditional love. But this is the luxury not everyone has. It’s like a part of you is missing which is responsible for love, and life. Cause there is reason why kids are born helpless… And this reason? Well, it’s now in a song.“, says Just Honest.

“No Love No Hate” is more than just an album; it’s a narrative of growth, self-discovery, and the first major dating experience, mirroring the rollercoaster ride of emotions that accompany it. From the initial excitement and infatuation in “curfew with you” to the exploration of insecurities, distancing, bitterness, and, finally, peace and moving on, Just Honest takes listeners on an intimate journey through the complexities of human emotions.

Listen below:



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