Ladies Night at Bojangles – Comedy Special
Ladies this Thursday night wine and dine and live it up at Bojangles in Chingford!
Get into your l.b.d.s, slip on your highest heels and paint this little town red accompanied by good food, music, and drinks to keep you up all night long!
This Thursday though, we've got for you a special treat; one of UK's top comedians, Slim is here just for you along with an exotic male dancer, and most importantly 2 for 1 cocktails to keep you going from thursday night till morn.
So live, laugh, and love it up this 11th at
Bojangles Brasserrie for only £5 (before 10PM – £8 thereafter)
Doors open 8PM till 1AM
Early birds get your Advanced tickets down below before they run out!
#Music #soulmusic #reggae #qualitymusic #slowfood #caribbeanfood #chillnights #bojangles #qualitypeople #qualityfood #vintage #mellow #soul #grownfolk #nostalgia#ladiesnight #ladiesnightout #ladiessoulnightout #ladiesenterfree #freeentry #enterforfree #cocktails #ladiescocktails #drinksforladies #cocktailsforwomen #girlsnight #girlsnightout #liquor #selfie #sexy #tagafriend #happyhour #nightlife #thursdaynight #ladiesthursdays #bachelorette #bacheloretteparty #wine #partynight #social #tagafriend