No guest list tonight this wednesday at Tox club
Wednesday 16th of July starting at midnight till 6 am, in the cult location of Tox club Ibiza (Destino Pacha resort), Benedicte Gauthier, one of the most famous pr on the island, presents her party… No guest list tonight!
For the first episode of July 2014 the line up includes the legendary Italian Dj and producer Flavio Vecchi, plus Remo and Odd parents.
But there will be a great surprise!
During the night… will play a secret superguest….. who will be? We try to help you… telling just the first word of the name… M…. but is a Dj not to miss…. 😉
Benedicte Gauthier: “Wednesday restart the project “no guest list tonight” .. I will organize some parties..and there will be still a super secret guest dj.. I am proud for the presence of a great dj’s and friends as Flavio Vecchi, Remo and Odd Parents.. but next Wednesday you will discover the first..and he’s a special one.. without him there is no party!”
For further details this is the link to the event page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/652049894881459/?fref=ts