Redbull spread their wings through Music Gateway
Wings For Life World Run supported and backed by Redbull has launched its search for the worldwide anthem that’s to be played at the start of the 3rd Wings for Life World Run in 2016. Music Gateway are pleased to announce that Wings For Life World Run will be using their unique project management software to streamline and manage the way they receive song submissions and choose an artist/band to represent the start of the event. As the platform goes from strength to strength, Redbull’s decision to use the solution says much about its ability to handle a high volume of submissions, reinforced by the ease of use and time saved in managing such an opportunity.
On May 8th 2016 at 11:00 (UTC) runners all over the world, of all levels and abilities will start running for the 3rd Wings for Life World Run and the last participant runner, wherever they are in the world, will be the winner. The notorious run supports Wings for Life, a national not-for-profit foundation. Their mission is to find a cure for spinal cord injury and fund world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe aimed at healing the injured spinal cord.
‘It’s a pleasure to be in a position where we’re able to help towards fighting a cause as worthwhile as Wings for Life World Run, alongside such a prestigious brand as Redbull. It’s a great opportunity for us to show our support for an amazing foundation and the work that they do with the millions they raise each year. We’re looking forward to working with Redbull ongoing and allowing their team to benefit from an all-in-one global solution, improving their internal communication and collaboration.’
Jon Skinner – CEO, Music Gateway
Music Gateway strive to connect music and creative professionals from every corner of the world. The platform delivers nothing but opportunities and a streamlined way to connect and conduct business on likeminded terms. The new Redbull private network will not only provide existing members of Music Gateway yet another exciting and exclusive opportunity for sync but will also attract new members to join the ever expanding platform.
Visit Wings For Life World Run website http://wingsforlifeworldrun.com/
View details of the opportunity http://win.gs/OneDayOneRunYourSong
Apply directly for the opportunity https://www.musicgateway.net/wings-for-life-world-run