Released in the month of love, mntgrmry’s ‘Imperfect Love’ is as close to perfect as it gets
Dropping in the month of love, mntgmry’s latest offering will certainly make you realise – all you need is love. Whether that be platonically or romantically, love really does make the world go around.
Speaking about the glistening new single ‘Imperfect Love’, mntgmry shares, ““This song was written to surprise-propose to my amazing girlfriend of eight years at a small New Year’s Eve gathering of our closest friends.
I had been deliberating proposing for about six months, but I just couldn’t decide exactly what to do. I wanted to do something very special for her because she’s so fantastic, but I just couldn’t figure out something special enough.”
While the track is stunning to listen to, it’s the emotional music video that will draw you in even further. Adding more about the track, mntgmry shares, “The song is called Imperfect Love–it refers to many of my own personal flaws and reflections on my own resilience to love despite my challenges. It also discusses my regret at not being able to perfectly emotionally provide for my partner.
But that is real life–real love is not a hallmark card, and I wouldn’t swap what we’ve got for that kind of thing anyway. Above all, the song reassures that despite our flaws and shortcomings, we can have real love anyway–and we deserve it.”