On this coming Saturday, July 5th will be the reopening of the legendary Pacha Sitges, the first Pacha in the world by Ricardo Urgell, creator of the brand, launched in 1967.
The first Pacha is located at the residential area of Vallpineda within the charismatic Sitges, nice and inspiring location of the Catalan coast which has been witness of the creation and development of the Pacha spirit which inspired more than 100 franchises during these four decades, currently 18 still open and 4 more will be open during this year. Pacha Sitges itself is not very big in size, but contains inside a long history that will continue every night since they return to open its doors this week, forty-seven years later.
Owner Ricardo Urgell and the Honorable Major of the town Mr. Miquel Forns as well as different personalities will attend to this long-awaited reopening.
Pacha Sitges will be open Friday and Saturday nights, see you there!