Reverse Commuter – Exposure


Reverse Commuter – Exposure

Exposure is the long-awaited debut album from Reverse Commuter, a project of the multi-faceted Los Angeles-based producer Kenneth James Gibson. Featuring collaborations as well as solo productions, this kaleidoscopic set of songs gives a bird’s eye view into the influences and techniques that make Gibson’s music a special experience. Reverse Commuter joins [a]pendics.shuffle and the band Bell Gardens – among other pseudonymous projects – as distinctive musical activities of Kenneth Gibson, with Reverse Commuter showcasing an adventurous and song-focused electronic music sound. From the first track, the subdued and haunting “Take It”, the design becomes clear … Exposure presents a sonic world that exists to get inside one’s skin. Kelly Johnston affirms this with her alluring vocal contribution to two of the album’s more evocative tracks: “Still Voice Convincing” and “Icarus”. Exposure’s seduction completely takes over on “Whispers In”, featuring Douglas J. McCarthy (Nitzer Ebb, Recoil) providing a masterful vocal performance over Gibson’s pulsating, otherworldly soundscape and rhythm. The full nine tracks complete the spell, an audio conjuration that holds the listener within an entrancing web. As Kelly Johnston states on Exposure’s third track, “Do you see it? Do you feel through it?”