Shane54 Relaunches International Departures & Offers FREE Mash-ups
Wasting no time after the recent split, Shane54 relaunches the widely popular International Departures show, which also begins syndication next month (stations to be announced). International Departures quickly became a fan favorite due in part to the unique mash-ups aired, and now Shane54 is happy to share that he’s going back to the roots of the show with new mash-ups!
When explaining why mash-ups are so integral to the show as well as his live sets Shane54 says, "When it works, a good mashup makes your hair stand up on end. All of a sudden one and one makes ten, and these songs are elevated to a different dimension."
In celebration of the relaunch, he’s giving away free mash-ups from the last few episodes including releases from Seven Lions, Morgan Page, Little Boots, and more.
Staying true to his impeccable ear for creating mash-ups from different genres, expect the classic euphoric Shane54 sound you’ve come to know. Only this time, Shane54 helms the ship and invites you to explore this journey of new music with him.
www.Facebook: facebook.com/shane54music
www.Twitter: twitter.com/shane54music
www.Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/shane54
www.Instagram: instagram.com/shane54
Website: www.shane54.com