Sziget Festival Announces First Nfts Collection and Nft Club
In partnership with Nimi Collectibles Inc., Sziget Festival enters the world of NFTs to issue and mint the first set of Sziget artworks as well as creating the Sziget Festival NFT Club. During this years festival (10 – 15 August) festivalgoers were able to access free NFT versions of key images from previous years and whilst doing so become the first SzigetVibes NFT Club members.
Following Sziget’s big 2022 come back, the Hungarian festival is proud to announce its entrance into the world of NFTs. Under the motive ‘Collect memories, not things’ SzigetVibes NFTs allow fans to collect the best moments from the 2022 event experience in the form of original artworks and iconic photographs created during the festival and with a special collaboration with artist Tim King. For a limited period of time, NFT and festival fans alike can register online and receive a free NFT as a welcome gift.
In Autumn 2022, SzigetVibes NFT Club will drop the first collection of Sziget NFTs via the SzigetVibes website. The Owners of SzigetVibes NFTs will be entitled to special benefits such as exclusive Sziget Festival discounts, special VIP passes, backstage tours and more.
For more information on SzigetVibes NFTs Club and collection, as well as how to purchase and mint can be found on the official website here