SHADED & Harvard Bass – Time Wasting - Time Wasting EP
Whether you’re enjoying a private home listening experience or doing God’s work by mixing our tracks into others of a comparable BPM in front of people, Twin Turbo is here to guide you along the ascended path of music consumption mastery. This particular release marks an auspicious point in your personal evolution, provided you’ve been using the download codes we’ve provided for 3- D printable vitamins, as label favorites Shaded and Harvard Bass pool their unique energy signatures in a rare team-up.
The collaboration sees the two California-bred artists joining forces with a rapper named “Rossirock”, whom they chose after rejecting every last member of Twin Turbo’s in-house stable of MCs, who it seems will continue to do office chores in exchange for the possibility of someday lending their unique lyrical perspectives to a fun and modern club track.
The two original tracks were completed in early 2016, but we decided to hold out until our top remixer choices came through, and you’ll no doubt agree it was worth the wait you couldn’t possibly have known about. Cassy delivers what can only be described and understood and enjoyed as a “low-slung after-hours groover,” while Kenny Glasgow simply does his thing, which is exactly what we wanted as we are decidedly not in the business of trying to make Kenny Glasgow be anything other than Kenny Glasgow, no matter what you may have been led to think.
Artist: SHADED & Harvard Bass EP: Time Wasting
Format: MP3
Release Date: 20th January 2017
PRE-ORDER: https://turborec.lnk.to/SHBTW