Toolroom Ten Traktor Remix Set
Celebrating our tenth anniversary, Toolroom Records have created another remix set exclusively for Traktor’s Remix Deck. Handpicked by label boss Mark Knight are some of the best tracks from the last decade which feature on the massive ‘Toolroom Ten’ compilation. With a mixture of classics including Stefano Noferini’s ‘Burujava’ and Nicky Romero’s ‘Still The Same Man’ mixed in with dance friendly hits such as Luigi Rocca & Manuel De La Mare’s ‘Opa-Locka’.
With a selection of Toolroom’s best over the years, each track loads just like any other in TRAKTOR DJ, split into 4 remix stems to give you the creativity to control and manipulate all of the tracks key elements and develop them into something of your own. With a total of 6 Toolroom favourites for you to modify, remix and rehash together, this exclusive bundle includes unique cuts from some of the labels best DJ’s and producers including Federico Scavo, Nicky Romero, Dave Spoon, Stefano Noferini and more.
A Remix Set loads the same way as regular tracks in TRAKTOR DJ software using Remix Deck™ technology – where the only restriction is your imagination. Take charge and invent your own versions of Toolroom classics with this superb selection of original grooves, crisp cuts and booming bass lines from Toolroom Records.