Another Party Turn 5 with a run of Events
Another Party have been welcoming to London the cream of the house and techno scene for the last 5 years and to celebrate this milestone, they plan of hosting a run of events throughout the year across Europe.
They will be kicking off in London on Saturday 31 January, at which point they plan to announce their second event location and headline acts. With previous bookings including Sven Vath, Kerri Chandler, Soul Clap, Moodymann, Steve Lawler and more, the headline acts for this first birthday event in London retain the tone and quality of those past. German native Butch, plays alongside Chicago legend Chez Damier and goes without saying, these two together will be a very special occasion.
News of forthcoming dates around Europe are pending and Another Party are being very tight lipped about things, while very excited and promise some great events at some quality venues and cities.
As for London, check out the information on there 5th Birthday event and premier party of the year on our website here – http://www.ihouseu.com/event/another-party-5th-birthday-butch-and-chez-damier.html