
Max Cartoux seems determined to leave the dance world in awe. The 17 year old, London based, French national's unwavering rise through the ranks of Europe's most exciting DJs continues, having recently played the world renowned Ultra Europe festival in Croatia. Joining an already phenomenal...

Will Atkinson returns to Subculture with the devilish 'Victims'.With multiple plays on BBC Radio 1 and major support from John O'Callaghan, Simon Patterson and Bryan Kearney, Victims is a powerful slice of dark Trance which perfectly combines theinfluence of old sounds with a futuristic new...

Masaaki Yoshida aka Anchorsong has been winning friends here in the UK and internationally throughout Europe with his live shows, and yes we do mean live: Yoshida’s music is created with a sampler and a keyboard, from scratch at his gigs. Sometimes these sounds are...

Arnej was last seen around these VANDIT parts, well almost 12 months ago to today in fact. There he was riding studio-shotgun with PvD, squeezing no small amount of tech burn and toughened trance into last year’s ‘We Are One’ anthem. FFWD a year and...