
Jonas Blue and Julian Perretta have unveiled the official video for their collaborative smash ‘Perfect Melody’. Set on a mysterious beach under a moonlit night sky, the ethereal and otherworldly Perfect Melody official video portrays representations of love, played out by a cast of dancers with cameos from Jonas Blue and Julian...

Rising electronic producer/DJ Rootkey has crafted a cover of the iconic contemporary Southern hip hop anthem ‘Trap Queen’. Fusing a danceable slap house production style with the original song’s famed lyrics, Rootkey’s version retains all the gritty, melodic delivery that fans will associate with Fetty Wap’s version but brings a distinctive...

Constructed with heart, pain and crazy level efforts over the 2 years of lockdown which took away what we had the least - time. What could have happened? What could have been? And for what? Present in our debut album - 01 Maahiya TBA - 02 Haq? - 03...