
Canadian artist Ashton Adams joins forces with rap duo 100M's, consisting of Nukky & Cap E, for their new single "HOV," a catchy and hard-hitting dance-rap track with an equally hype music video featuring both of Ashton's parents. As a protege of Orlando McGhee of Jay Z's Roc Nation earlier and now ONErpm, Adams brings a seamless fusion of...

P-LASK conjures deep, minimal dreamscapes with a brand new single on Electric Dangerous Records. Under tight bass lines, quick-moving hats and far-off, ethereal vocals, mesmerizing tech grooves effortlessly weave throughout the track. Enigmatic and infectious, "Altered Reality" serves as a perfect late-night club groover. Out now...

While Stephan Bodzin's album highly-acclaimed third studio album 'Boavista' still reverberates around the world, the techno mainstay has now collected 25 of the scene's most interesting artists to add their own remixes. The likes of Solomun, Roman Flügel, ANNA, Anfisa Letyago and Adriatique make this a richly diverse affair. This is a collection packed with...