
Hypnotic and alluring, Pisceze’s ‘Daddy’ is a captivating release that exhibits her flawless musical flair. The striking visuals feature a slick, slowed-down performance of the single that she did for Asian Heritage Month, proving why Pisceze is one of the industry’s most exciting newcomers. Oozing old-school...

Lenell Brown welcomes his brand-new video featuring as the third release in the highly anticipated ‘Bring It To Life’ video series called ‘Summer Time’ with Fonsi Nieto. Lenell Brown’s original and innovative video series is unprecedented in the Dance music industry as the joint endeavour alongside Produer & Director Gonzalo Suàrez Romero, who is tasked with bringing some of Lenell Brown’s best...

Jacob Colon has been on fire this season with previous releases hitting the scene like ‘Love Ahora’, ‘Awake’ with Robert Vogu and ‘Desert Storm’ and now he is back with his latest release ‘Steal The Night’ featuring established vocalist Youstina Rofail. Jacob continues his rise to prominence in the industry as he lives and...