Daredevil punter sneaks into sold-out Eats Everything gig & wins free guestlist for life
Known for talking his way into closed events & no public access areas, Zac has made his name this time for sneaking into Bristol-based DJ and producer Eats Everything’s intimate event in Weston-Super-Mare – documenting the entire process in a film.
Whilst he didn’t get a ticket to the sold out Eats Everything gig in a seaside café in Weston-Super-Mare, Zac took matters into his own hands and found his way into the unusual event. Filming everything on his camera, Zac shows how he pretended to be filming the event for press to gain entry. Turns out the risk taking fan also has some outstanding film making skills.
He has made the news before as he made his way on the Team GB tour bus by pretending to be part of the fencing team. This time he impressed Eats Everything so much with his efforts that the DJ offered him free club guest list for life.