Various Artists - Dear House, With Love! (Clouded House)
Coming hot on the heels of their last VA, the brilliant Clouded House imprint returns here with a hearty four-tracker that speaks volumes for their penchant for glorious house tropes. Featuring
the talents of Poth0les, Pelati Riviera, Ben Gomori and label boss Lukas Lyrestam, ‘Dear House, With Love!’ is an energetic slice of brilliance that expertly pays homage to the label’s genre of choice.
The concept behind the release is a relatively straight-forward but nonetheless unique one, as Lyrestam simply asked all those involved to ‘sum up how house music made them feel’. Step forward the four producers involved, all of whom declare their love for house with the sort of panache the label is quickly earning a repp for.
Getting us going is the sounds of Poth0les’ expert, ‘Viberations’. A glorious ride to the depths of the deep, this one stands out from the crowd thanks to its woodpecker percussion and hazy baselines. A warm and inviting track that acts as the perfect tonic to these cooler climes, it gets us under way with considerable distinction.
Next up is emerging Italian producers, Pelati Riviera aka DJ Soch and Rame (from Pastaboys). Their track is more firmly led toward the dancefloor. Indicative of a classic old school Italian house jam, it’s full of smile-inducing vibes and is sure to go down a treat on any receptive dancefloor. Lyrestam then takes the reins after courtesy of ‘Joy-Ride’. The most eclectic of the tracks on offer, it’s characterised by its unpredictable, simmering synths and an all-round positive aesthetic that’s abundant throughout the entire release.
Seeing us out is Ben Gomori’s ‘Mind Palace. The London native has been on a bit of a roll recently, and his contribution here goes some way to extending that purple patch. A sticky banger that’s stuffed full of emotion, it too wears its heart on its sleeve. A serious statement of intent, ‘Dear House, With Love!’ sees Clouded House kick off 2018 in seriously auspicious fashion.