Dim the Lights 2
This Christmas Bojangles in association with the Real Deal Network and Velvet Rope Productions present the ultimate lover's rock experience — Dim the Lights 2 — !
Get your fill of some classic tunes to the tastes of earth shattering Caribbean food on the 23rd of December 2018!
Join Winston Reedy, Christine Joy White, and Audrey Scott as they take the stage to keep you up all night long. Accompanied by the Smiles Collective Band and DJs The System, Andy Unity, Count Josh Sound, and Lady Matrix.
From 7pm till 1am
Early Birds get your exclusive entry tickets with free buffet down below for only £12.50
£15 on the door
For more information call us
#Music #soulmusic #reggae #qualitymusic #slowfood #caribbeanfood #chillnights #bojangles #qualitypeople #qualityfood #vintage #mellow #soul #grownfolk #nostalgia #dimthelights #velvetrope #velvetropeprodutions #winstonreedy #christinejoywhite #audreyscott #smilescollectiveband #thesystem #andyunity #countjoshsound #ladymatrix