Charles Pierre - Directions EP
Solid Grooves Records invites exciting newcomer Charles Pierre to release a pair of low-slung cuts with ‘Directions’ EP.
Having debuted on 2tone Records, Charles Pierre may be a relatively new name but his productions have been championed by the Solid Grooves Records co-founders Michael Bibi and PAWSA for quite some time. With consistent road-testing and undeniably strong crowd reactions the label now provides a platform for Pierre’s next anticipated outing.
A rumbling bassline takes centre stage in ‘Directions’ whilst a recognizable sample, thudding kicks and various effects come into play. ‘Right Beat’ is more mesmerizing by comparison, featuring sharp percussion, hypnotic looped vox and a sultry low-end
Charles Pierre ‘Directions EP’ is out on Solid Grooves on 25th August 2017.
1. Directions
2. Right Beat