Globally Local Music present “Big Shiny Heart” feat. Shannon Maree
Heart failure, heart attack, having a heavy or broken heart – in particular people confronted with such tragic blows realize the importance of our heart for our wellbeing, and how vital our heart is to our life.To be healthy, and to be able to love, a heart needs to stay big and shiny. It needs lots of love to get into that state. But there is a way to get there: The first and most important step is amour-propre or self-love. Love yourself!
That is the story of this track that Globally Local Music developed, composed and produced with the support of the excellent, first-rate singer and poetess Shannon Maree.
It is the second time Swiss-born and Africa-rooted Globally Local Music teams up with New Zealand-born Shannon, a resident of Portugal. Mixing and mastering of the track were made by Belarus-born Romano Erafficci, a resident of Poland. A truly global collaboration.
Love yourself and the rest will follow!
Artist Info: https://wechselstrommusic.ch/artist-globally-local-music/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4syLmbj1PgHvji9IvWcncF
iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/album/big-shiny-heart-feat-shannon-maree/1500403270?i=1500403272&app=music
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/track/887061332
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/wechselstrommusic/glmf-big-shiny-heart-original-mix
upcoming Blog: https://wechselstrommusic.ch/upcoming-big-shiny-heart/