HORS SERIE Line Up Revealed
After an incredible first edition at the Paris Saint-Lazare train station, HORS SERIE is moving to an even more unique location – the National Velodrome of Saint Quentin en Yvelines.
Built for the cycling world championships in 2015, the velodrome will be transformed into a spaceship style arena for one epic night – the first time it’s been used for such an event.
Whilst last years lineup was dedicated to house music, this year will be focused solely on Techno with Anetha, Kas:st, Octave One Live, Paranoid London Live and Rødhåd all booked for the event.
Organized by the team behind Concrete and Weather festival, HORS SERIE will take place over the bank holiday weekend Sunday June 4th 8pm to Monday June 5th 10am
Tickets : http://www.digitick.com/ext/billetterie5/index.php?site=surprizeevents
Website : http://horsserie.paris/
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/HorsSerieParis/
Facebook Event : https://www.facebook.com/events/274483129645606/