Kate Nash – Have Faith With Kate Nash This Christmas
Fresh from a sellout tour around Europe and the US, Brit Award-winning Indie Queen, Kate Nash is set to release her first Christmas EP entitled ‘Have Faith With Kate Nash This Christmas’, featuring all-girl three-piece punk band, The Tuts.
The EP’s five songs celebrate Kate Nash’s signature style – a fun and catchy blend of punk and pop, with hints of 60s undertones punctuating elements of acapella, and for this EP, some traditional instrumentals. What is definite is that it’s not your typical Christmas collection. In place of a warm-hearted, feel-good opening track, ‘I Hate You This Christmas’ will no doubt be the Christmas anthem dedicated to cheating boyfriends and bad best friends. Heavy guitar overlaid with Kate’s trademark vocals (no one can pattern syllables quite like Kate), will have the Girl Gang singing along to, “yeah it’s Christmas once again, but you’re f—kin’ one of my friends,” all season long.
‘Faith’ made its first appearance in 2012 and featured exclusively on Tavi Gevinson’s Rookie Magazine. A nod to the 60s, the slow melody, replete with a jingling bell start will score points with her global fan base, as will the cover of ‘Christmas Is In The Air’ by The Tuts. It plays between soft 60s-esque music and vocals and ramped up guitars and drums. If you’re not jumping around the Christmas tree to this one, you haven’t listened to it properly.
Traditionalists will flock to Kate’s dreamy acoustic rendition of ‘Silent Night’; and ‘Auld Lang Syne’, backed by understated bagpipes and subtle percussion is holiday perfection.