Logic Pro Voted Most Popular DAW of 2022
Aux App (www.aux.app), the innovative new platform for remote-working audio professionals has revealed the results of its annual survey of music producers and musicians.
Around 100 music creators from around the world were asked a number of questions relating to technical production, the effect of the economic climate, the popularity of DAWs and DSPs, and which revenue streams have been the most lucrative in 2022.
Manufacturers of the world’s leading DAWs can now see them ranked in popularity thanks to the data derived by Aux App. At number one in the Top 5 is Logic Pro used by 30% of the surveyed producers, followed by Garageband (26%), Pro Tools (20%), and both Ableton Live and Abode Audition at an equal 19%. Interestingly, the results of the most used DAWs has shifted since the Aux 2021 poll, with Pro Tools rising three places, Ableton Live falling one place, and Adobe Audition climbing up six spots.
Aux App also surveyed the global audience to find out which music streaming service artists found the most important for their careers. Spotify took the lion’s share of the votes with 71.6% of producers saying it was the most important, followed by Soundcloud (14.8%), Apple Music (10.2%), and YouTube only accounting for 1.1% of the vote.
49% of those asked whether the economic crisis had affected their careers stated that they had been “somewhat” or “greatly affected”. This stark result further reinforces the challenges already known to affect both hobbying and professional musicians.
Amongst the Top Struggles that creators experienced in 2022, having “fewer gigs to play” was the most common, followed by having “higher bills” to pay.
On the flip side, the Aux App survey did discover that all is not bleak amongst the global music-making community with musicians and producers stating that they’re making $600 on average per month from various revenue streams.
The sample group was asked which of those revenue streams delivered the most income in 2022. Streaming and live performances were the most lucrative, followed by merchandise, songwriting and publishing; teaching, and the smallest amount of financial income came through the sale of vinyl.
While the survey conducted by Aux App is primarily to refine and improve the platform and Desktop App, where musicians and producers can backup, sync and remotely collaborate on music files in real time; it’s also to understand how today’s creators are making music.
58% of those asked said that they collaborate online, and each producer stated that on average they had collaborated with 8 other people during 2022.
Aux App founder, the tech start-up entrepreneur, Ben Bowler said, “The Aux Survey is something I look forward to all year, hearing from hundreds of artists to help understand our community better and improve the Aux platform and products. I was most surprised to see that artists are finding such a diverse way to make a living from the craft we love. Everything from teaching to distribution, selling merchandise and social media sponsorships.
“As with last year’s survey, these results have directly guided our plan for building the Aux platform over the next year. We will be focussed on improving the Aux App remote collaboration experience by adding additional supported DAWs and responding directly to survey feedback. Beyond this we will also be reviewing our core features as well as our pricing model and thinking about how to expand our offering to help artists make money for their work… We’ll be releasing more information on this in the coming months.”
To see the full list of infographics from this highlighted set of survey answers, visit the Aux App website at https://aux.app/connect/our-survey-results-are-in