Mettā´s vinyl remixes are signed by Deadbeat and Max McFerren
Mettā, Rooteo & Mahura´s album, has been defined as an accomplished debut for both the duo and Made in Green and a solid foundation for things to come. Now, Deadbeat and Max McFerren deliver two vinyl remixes.
Mettā is a Pakrit word meaning benevolence; it is also an important concept in Buddhist and Hindu scripture, the practice of meditating to direct amity outwards. As the title of the debut album from the duo of Rooteo & Mahura for Made in Green Records, it captures the atmosphere of their expansive, dub-oriented sound, which reaches outwards while maintaining its deep, meditative sensibility. With its contrasting halves and careful assemblage of wide-ranging world influences synthesized with expertly-wrought, cutting edge production, Rooteo & Mahura’s work sits easily alongside other celebrated electronic fusion albums while exceeding many of them in quality. Whether for meditation at home or in the motion of the dance, Mettā is an accomplished debut for both the duo and Made in Green and a solid foundation for things to come.
For the first vinyl remix from Rooteo & Marhura´s Mettā album we present the standout ‘Sincrotune’, backed with a heavier interpretation of dub techno mastermind and legend Deadbeat. More ambient and less explicitly dub than the original or most of Deadbeat´s work, the veteran producer nevertheless creates an immersive soundscape of delayed drums, thick atmospheres, and dramatic, one-shot production flourishes that drag the listener into the centre of his own nebula.
As a contrasting follow-up to our first vinyl remix the second keeps the format intact with entirely different results. New York´s upcoming Max McFerren, whose busy 2015 included EPs on Ultimate Hits, Allergy Season, and 1080p, brings us a startling reinterpretation of album closer ´Harmal´ very much in keeping with the vein of raw, aggressive house coming from Brooklyn since that scene´s resurgence.