MRDIE aka. Diego Ferry from Rosario, Argentina is excited to make his debut on the refused. imprint with his EP “My Horny Toy.” This four track EP holds a perplex and brooding atmosphere with a domineering energy in the kick drums and frequencies. A minimal-techno offering of cryptic sounds and deep rumbling basslines are paired with trickling effects of outlandish satellite sounding frequencies picking up signal from other earths.
My Horny Toy, Generator, Fetish & Kitchen and Rubik Head all encompass a fuelling energy of kick drums and vibrating bassline, with each track holding its own unique dynamism. My Horny Toy – This track leads in with a pulsing kick drum starting this EP off with a driving vengeance. An arcane tone chimes in with the bass and the track progresses in with flickering effects, hi-hats as bellowing sounds of sirens calling the techno troops to attention. Generator – Cymbals crash and we break into the second track on this EP. Again, leading in with a strong kick drum Generator also uses a variety of sequences of 8-bit sounds, which builds into a techno conquest with a whirlwind of effects, hi-hats, bass and more.
Fetish & Kitchen- In this track, a deep brooding bassline welcomes us into this minimal-techno vortex. Dark dwindling sounds of signals guide us along in this track as a manipulated demonic vocal comes in as a surprise around the middle of the track. Rubik Head-A whirlwind of sounds pan right to left in this last track, and move along while your ears try and catch it. Rubik Head is a darker track, with an uncanny playfulness added as if it were the film score to a fun-house horror film.