Oscar House & Armen Paul – If We Die Tonight
No question, Oscar House is known for a powerful and groove driven sound. Touching on the more emotive side of music before diving back into the beat drop, ‘If We Die Tonight’ sees Oscar House bring the heat again after Found Frequencies releases ‘Serval’ and ‘Orca’. With Armen Paul‘s rich vocals and the gentle chords setting the stage for its beat-driven counterpart, this track has something for every music lover out there. Let’s dive into the track production with Oscar and Armen and learn more about their successful cooperation.
Hi Oscar & Armen, welcome to I House U! Can you tell us where in the world you are right now and what you’re doing during this difficult pandemic situation?
O: The current situation in Germany is currently very tense. Nobody knows when the whole thing will end here and you will be able to go back to your regular everyday life. At the moment I sit in the studio a lot and produce new tracks. But 24/7 it’s too much for me too – so I’m working in a supermarket in this crisis and I’m helping to make sure that everyone gets the food they need.
A: I’m in NYC right now just trying to keep life as normal as possible and continue to create. It’s definitely a challenging time and everybody uses different types of coping mechanisms in order to alleviate these challenges. However, I think the amazing thing about the current situation, is the fact that despite our physical barriers to others I feel more connected to the people I maybe hadn’t spoken with in a while. To hear their stories and take the time to reconnect has been the most enlightening part of this for me.
How did IF WE DIE TONIGHT come about? What’s the story behind?
O: After our first single “All Time Love” and getting to know each other personally in New York City, we soon realized that we would produce another song. After we sent ideas back and forth, Armen finally sent me a demo of the current vocal. From this idea our “If we die tonight” was born.
A: Oscar House and I had been thinking of new song ideas to follow up our first release “All Time Love”. After sending some song ideas to one another back and forth we landed on “If We Die Tonight”. My frequent co-write Dimitri Ehrlich, and I, wrote this song about opening up to someone and showing them all of yourself, as though it might be your last moment on earth with them.
How was it working with each other? How did you technically solve the distance between you or did you meet in the studio?
O: Working with Armen is very professional. But what made working together so easy was the friendly relationship. So distance didn’t play a role either.
A: It was very easy working together from a distance. Generally, we’ll handle the songwriting remotely and I’ll record here in New York. Then we’d continue sending production ideas back and forth via WhatsApp and Email until everything was perfect.
How would you sum up IF WE DIE TONIGHT in 3 words?
O: Unique. Impulsive. Emotion
What is your favourite part of the production?
O: Definitely the second break. That moment when Armen got everything out of his voice and used the strings. It was a goose bump moment for me.
A: Definitely the drop. It’s very unique, and unlike most of the dance songs I’ve been a part of. It really captures the feeling of being in a club and immersing yourself in the music.
Can you let us into what else you have planned over the coming months?
O: I’m currently working on my release for this November at Found Frequencies. After that I will focus on remixes and collaborations. One thing I can tell you – this year many new tracks will be produced.
A: Quite a bit. I have multiple releases every month for the foreseeable future and some collaborations and projects that I’m really excited about. There will also be some more nods to my first EP, which I released this past January, as well as glimpses of my next full length project, which I’m really looking forward to showing everyone.