Howlbek - Panthera EP
New York based artist Howlbek puts forth Tears Recordings first release. The debut EP, ‘Panthera’ begins with a heavy percussive reverberation gently accelerating with canorous undertones before finding a continuous pace. The title track eventually tapers off to take on a harmonious timbre leaving the percussion behind just to eventually bring it back.
The 2nd and final track in this EP, ‘Bridges’ starts with a slow pace and chugs along giving it an uplifting feel and constantly adding variety. The track remains stable and steady throughout providing a driving melody and addictive implications. ‘Panthera’ sets the pace for what is clearly an optimistic future for Tears Recordings.
Tears formed through crying are associated with strong internal emotions, such as sorrow, elation, emotion, awe or pleasure. Laughing or yawning may also lead to the production of tears.