Pig& Dan – Argentina EP


Pig& Dan – Argentina EP

Pig&Dan’s ELEVATE label was in full flow throughout 2014 with a series of stunning releases from the likes of Dema, Kane Roth, Jay Tripwire, Tom Hades, Steve Parker, Dantiez Saunderson & P-Ben, and (of course) the boys themselves. So it is fitting that Pig&Dan launch into a brand new year of music with a trio of superb tracks to set the agenda for a very exciting 2015 indeed!

Having unleashed the mind-bendingly brilliant, peak-time monsters “Slash” (ELV012), “Sandstorm” (ELV015) and “Seagulls” (ELV016), Pig&Dan are parking themselves centre-stage once again with their superb “Argentina EP”.

The hyper-cool title track brims with ever-building explosive percussive energy, exhibiting a supremely intense vibe to superb effect. Pig&Dan let their unrivalled experimental juices flow on “Martians” mining a more twisted percussive seam, teasing and toying in typical Pig&Dan style throughout. Finally, the pulsating percussive direction of “Shapes On Horizon” takes on a slightly darker, but no less effective, persona.

If you are familiar with Pig&Dan’s work, you’ll know they’re always looking to push the envelope with genre-bending music and a devotion to creating something special that gets right under the skin, elevating the spirit, and this EP is another perfect example of their collective genius.

It would be hard to find another duo whose creative juices are flowing so freely right now. Make sure you check their recent, supremely diverse, experimentally brilliant album (“Destination Unknown”) on Bedrock, showcasing sides of Pig&Dan’s musical palette that you may never have experienced before. Along with their continuing flow of monster releases on their own Elevate label, this special meeting of minds is being cherished and developed to ever-greater heights as the years tick by, leaving the future of music in very safe hands indeed!J

Upcoming Pig & Dan Tour Dates: https://www.facebook.com/piganddan/app_153332064731618