Prïnceps (stylised as :princeps, pronounced prins-eps) are a London based electronic duo consisting of singer Renz Byrne and bassist and producer Marko Press. The two have worked together for years, forming Prïnceps when their previous band split up in 2018. Their name is inspired by their mutual love of Ancient Rome (Press’s home city) and the video game ‘Rome: Total War’. The new EP, a collaboration with Italian DJ EKL, ‘Trinity’ is released Friday October 23.
Described as a fusion of The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Bring Me The Horizon and The Used, Prïnceps’ influences range far and wide. They have covered a wide range of genres, the only common theme being that they must love the songs, as well as releasing their own original music. Their new EP is a collaboration with Italian producer DJ EKL, who they had collaborated with before. Conceived and worked on during lockdown; the band wanted to give their production a strong electronic touch and their friendship with DJ EKL made him the obvious choice. Prïnceps pre-produced all the songs and worked with EKL to reach a ‘deviant’ sound that they feel truly represents them.
Extraordinarily prolific and diverse, Prïnceps have explored politics with their single ‘MEGA’, dubstep with ‘Nostalgia’, dance with ‘Skeleton’, drum ‘n’ bass on ‘Already Forgotten You’ and mashed electro and rock together in their recent single ‘Oh So Fun!’, released in August 2020. The lead track on the new “Trinity” EP is ‘Show Me What The Hell You’re Supposed To Be’, is perhaps their most authentic track to date.
Priceps explained: ‘We wrote these songs a while ago, but we always had the feeling that wasn’t the right time for them yet. During the lockdown, while we were writing ‘Nostalgia’ and ‘Oh So Fun’, we went through some of our old demos and that’s how everything began….
We started to rework on the arrangement of each song, on their sound, on the lyrics…but still, there was something missing. Randomly one day, during a call with EKL we found that he wasn’t having the best time of his life due the lockdown, as many of us I guess, so we simply said “Hey man, we’ve got something that will make your time better! Wanna produce some sick music with us?” And here we go; after a couple of weeks the EP was ready. This is another proof of how music connects people, how it’s an expression of love that can make things better!
And in the same way we made the video of ‘Show Me What The Hell You’re Supposed To Be’, in this case thanks to Vibes Art.’
With their contrasting mix of high energy, positive dance music and nihilistic, depressing lyrics, perhaps Prïnceps are the perfect band for the coronavirus age with its constantly changing landscape.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/princepsmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/princepsmusic/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/princepsmusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/princepsmusic
DJ EKL Socials
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dj-Ekl-316207575149671
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dj_ekl
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ekls