Santi De – AB


Santi De – AB

Time for a full lenght presentation for Cimelde and Santi De.

This album unravels a full length story from point A to B. Its hard to put it in words its about the vast imagination of an artistic profile to present his work line though the example of choices… Into an era that everything is almost straightforward to have the choice of thinking outside the box in more than one direction…

This Ecuador based youngster comes with a stor bringer, a weird complex of sounds fx and moody textures blend with great looping.

Peaceful and calm at times others with a solid crisp baseline flavored with some disco pop at its most brittle.

Ukashaykedelic for example will make an excellent bridge to any dj set with its Africanism work while Remolino cause some floor damage afterwards.

Glowing with smart use of sampling and with a sensual and fresh perspective of now- days Santi seems to know his craft. His rhythmic sections on Sexion with all those weird hunted stabs and synths will definitely cause some reactions.

Without genre borders to define him and with a more laid back attitude this LP will bring a fundamental change to the so called copy paste music industry.

Santi is one to watch for sure with his futuristic approach and his retro oriented offer will set things in motion.